Monday, February 16, 2015

Fly Selection

I constantly get asked what flies to use in Arkansas.  I found a chart from Orvis with Eastern and Mid-Western Fly Hatches.  I also borrowed their photos of each and made a PowerPoint slideshow that shows the Name, Picture, Sizes, Time of Year with, most of the time, the 4 stages of life...Nymph, Emerger, Dun (Adult), and Spinner (Spent Adult).  I made it into a video, and this should be a great starting point for people visiting Arkansas. 

I also have my YouTube site of Arkansas Fly Fishing, and this should help you find or tie some other patterns mostly developed for the Rivers of Arkansas.  These patterns are PROVEN in Arkansas with it's Gold Medal (read: Record Breaking) Trout Waters.  The Arkansas Game and Fish Commission puts over 2 million trout in these waters (20 million fish total).  Most of the tailwaters at the dams have hatcheries there.  I love taking my kids into them, and the employees have always given them a VIP tour showing them the steps from eggs, fry (sacfrys), parr (fingerlings), to the adults (8-9" releasable fish).  Awesome people, and they never have a clue who I am - They are conservationists.  Anyway, most of the fish are Rainbows and a smaller amount are Brooks.  The Browns are Naturally reproducing, and I think the Rainbows are getting there too.  We have caught a few fingerlings this summer and fall. 

If you get a chance, visit Arkansas and enjoy some great trout fishing on the Red, White, and Norfork Rivers.  There are many others, and I am slowing getting to them as people inform me of the spots.

Arkansas Fly Fishing

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